Saturday 23 November 2013

The History of the UNIVERSE

Did individuals create the universe?
Nopedy Doo!

                              The big bang
13.798 ± 0.037 billion years ago

The first hydrogen atom
380 000 years after the big bang

The creation of Earth
4.54 × 109 years ± 1% ago (2/3 of the history of
 the history of the universe has already passed).
                                                      Originally, Earth was just molten lava and 
volcanic rock. 

Oldest minerals
at least 4.404 billion years old

The creation of the moon
4.5 to 4.6 billion years old (about same time as Earth)
It was created by a huge object about the size of Mars smashed into Earth. Earth absorbed most of the impact but not the debris that later forms the moon. Later, this is what makes our days become 24 hours. The moon also gives the Earth another key ingredient to life: the seasons, as it keeps it tilted on its axis.

The creation of oceans
3.8 million years ago

The first species (simple cells; bacteria)
3.6 billion years ago

The first multicellular life
1 billion years ago

The first homonids (early proto humans)
2.6 million years ago

A documentary of the history of the Universe:

AMAZINGG!!! Only 2 hours; super interesting!

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