Sunday, 1 December 2013

What was the significance of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05 for Russia? (Note Form)

What was the significance of the Russo-Japanese war?

·       Russia regarded itself as a major world power in 19th century; looked for opportunities to spread its influence.

·       in 1878 Congress of Berlin (after Crimean War) deprived Russia of any gains in the  Black Sea area --> look to the Far East

·       decaying Chinese Empire- coastline  + ice-free port

·       In 1894-95 Japan defeated Chinese in Korea, showing the country's weakness and revealed Japanese ambition.

·       Japan secured a favourable treaty + control of Liaodong Peninsula and Port Arthur (Russians interested in Port Arthur)

·       Russia expressed immediate concern; concession would upset China's stability. Support of France and Germany --> pressure placed on Japan; monetary compensation from China instead.

·       In 1896, the weakened Chinese agreed that the Russians could build a railway through northern Manchuria and in 1898 the Chinese gave Russia a 25-year lease on the Liaodong Peninsula

·       Also the right to build a further railway from Harbin to the Port at the tip of the Liaodong Peninsula- the naval base of Port Arthur

·       This excited the ambitions of some Russian ministers

·       However, Russia's presence in Liaodong Peninsula so soon after the Japanese's, sparked conflict. (Japanese sphere of influence

·       Japanese attacked Port Arthur 8 Feb 1904

·       worst crisis that tsardom had faced in modern times

·       9600 km from Russian capital, six days on Trans-Siberian railway.

·       Ministers' ignorance, rapid loss of morale and organisational confusion

·       Port Arthur surrendered in Dec. 1904

·       --> desperation --> send Baltic fleet (29 000 km)

·       Japanese waited for it in the Tsushima straits between Japan and Korea

·       8 Russian battleships + 4 cruisers destroyed; 4 000 dead Russians and 7 000 prisoners

·       Japanese loss= 3 torpedo boats

·       waste of precious Russian resources + gross national humiliation

·       economic disruption + political disturbances throughout Russia.

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