What was the significance of the
Russo-Japanese war?
Russia regarded
itself as a major world power in 19th century; looked for opportunities to
spread its influence.
in 1878
Congress of Berlin (after Crimean War) deprived Russia of any gains in the Black Sea area --> look to the Far East
Chinese Empire- coastline + ice-free
In 1894-95
Japan defeated Chinese in Korea, showing the country's weakness and revealed
Japanese ambition.
Japan secured a
favourable treaty + control of Liaodong Peninsula and Port Arthur (Russians
interested in Port Arthur)
expressed immediate concern; concession would upset China's stability. Support
of France and Germany --> pressure placed on Japan; monetary compensation
from China instead.
In 1896, the weakened
Chinese agreed that the Russians could build a railway through northern
Manchuria and in 1898 the Chinese gave Russia a 25-year lease on the Liaodong
Also the right
to build a further railway from Harbin to the Port at the tip of the Liaodong
Peninsula- the naval base of Port Arthur
This excited
the ambitions of some Russian ministers
Russia's presence in Liaodong Peninsula so soon after the Japanese's, sparked
conflict. (Japanese sphere of influence
attacked Port Arthur 8 Feb 1904
worst crisis
that tsardom had faced in modern times
9600 km from
Russian capital, six days on Trans-Siberian railway.
ignorance, rapid loss of morale and organisational confusion
Port Arthur
surrendered in Dec. 1904
desperation --> send Baltic fleet (29 000 km)
Japanese waited
for it in the Tsushima straits between Japan and Korea
8 Russian battleships
+ 4 cruisers destroyed; 4 000 dead Russians and 7 000 prisoners
Japanese loss=
3 torpedo boats
waste of
precious Russian resources + gross national humiliation
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